Thursday, July 3, 2008

What's New

So thing are not as busy right now. Dusty just finished his classes, he just has all the state testing to finish. things are winding down with katie's house also. We have less than a month to finish everything. She has to refinance on the 1st of Aug. I think everything will be done. The deck on the back of the house is soooo nice. The bathroom is done and the bedrooms just need carpet. It looks nice.
When does school start? The kids have had enough summer already. Sometimes I wonder if summer is to long. it wasn't when I was in school, but now it is way to long!!!!!
We are trying the potty training thing again. Not going so well! Somedays he is very interested and others not at all. We will just keep at it.
We went to the fireworks in Hyrum last night. That was fun till we saw a girl get hit by a car. The kids loved the fireworks and didn't know about the accedent until it was all over. Billy slept through most of them. Tonight is the Logan ones and the start of Crusin. I am so excited I love the old cars. This time of year makes me think about Rhett soooo much. Between Father's day The fireworks and Crusin' he is always on my mind. I miss him so much. Wish I could see and talk to him. I would Love for him to see my babies and meet my honey. I think they would be the best of friends.
Nap time is over, here come the kids!!!

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